
A handy aid for MEMBERS OF THE HEALTH CARE TEAM, AESTHETIC THERAPISTS and STUDENTS interested in these matters.


Introduction by:

“To be knowledgeable is today not so much what you can remember, but much rather knowing where to find it."

MEDIINFOLINK covers a vast spectrum of medical and other important data that is useful to every person from professionals to laymen.

It is my collection of preferred health care information websites. I have been in community pharmacy since 1965; I therefor lived through the developing and growth of the internet. During this time health care knowledge increased to unimaginable levels; and I realized that the only way to have that much information readily available and up to date was to leave it where it is, on the Internet, and use links, such as those contained in this database to find it!

Follow the links below:
  • GENERAL (RxList)(Drugs A-Z / Pill Identifier / Supplements / Slideshows / Images / Symptom Checker / Diseases / Dictionary / Quizzes)
  • SEARCH (Q&A) All drugs: A – Z All conditions: A - Z Check symptoms - Ask a question - Write a review - Studies - Answered/ Unanswered - Reviews

And while you are surfing, enjoy this: "BEAUTIFULL SOUTH AFRICA FROM ABOVE"


We provide these links as a convenience. We, this database and our websites has no control over the linked websites or the content therein. As such, we, this database and our websites have no liability arising out of linking to these websites and the existence of such links does not constitute endorsement by us, this database or our websites. The information provided on or through MEDIINFOLINK is for general educational purposes only. It is not intended to be used as a substitute for medical advice. Any concerns or questions you have about your health or that of anybody else should be discussed with a physician.

The use of MEDIINFOLINK is subject to you accepting that:
  1. It does not warrant, guarantee, or make any representations regarding the use, or the result of use of MEDIINFOLINK
  2. We do not accept responsibility for the correctness of info on any of these sites.
  3. We can not guarantee the effective opening or the ability to view any of the web sites.
  4. No oral or written information or advice given shall create a warranty and you may not rely on any such information or advice.
  5. We will not be held liable for any direct, indirect, consequential or incidental damage or loss of any kind however caused, arising out of the use or inability to use MEDIINFOLINK, even if been advised of the possibility of such damage, injury or loss.
  6. The laws of South Africa govern this agreement.